Similar words: be at war with, great war, at war, flatware, great wall, heat wave, great wall of china, fatwa.
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1. How long have they been at war?
2. The two countries were at war for two years.
3. They are at war with each other.
4. They've been at war for the last fifteen years.
5. They've been at war for the last five years.
6. The country has been at war with its neighbour for two years.
7. Their countries had been at war for nearly six weeks.
8. A national census has been taken every decade since 1801, except for the year 1941 when Britain was at war.
9. The Khmer Rouge has been at war with the official Government since 1979.
10. When Chutra saw that I was laughing, he redoubled his efforts until we were at war with hundreds of monkeys.
11. The fact is, the people have not yet made up their minds that we are at war.
12. But in this one the Tao was at war with itself.
13. Piggy wanted a sign from the adult world as he thought they were civilised even though they were at war.
14. Let's be at war with this world.
15. If sin is real,[ at war.html] God be at war with Himself.
16. Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.
17. Then we'd be at war with the Huns, just what we're trying to avoid.
18. Be at War with your Vices, at Peace with your Neighbours, and let every New-Year find you a better Man.
19. United States is not and will never be at war with Islam.
20. If blood is spilled the countries will be at war.
21. It cannot be at war with a peacetime mind - set.
22. If you were in the State Department[], we'd be at war.
23. If sin is real, God must be at war with Himself.
24. Note: Note that it is perfectly possible to be at war with another HRE faction while not being banned.
25. The core the problem remains unsolved and the two sides continue to be at war.
26. "They may seek to spark conflict between faiths but as Americans we are not and never will be at war with Islam," said the president.
27. As we do, we must also reaffirm that the United States is not and never will be at war with Islam.
28. In Ankara, I made clear that America is not and never will be at war with Islam.
29. Before one can embody divine union, the masculine and feminine must cease to be at war with one another within.
30. I've made it clear that the United States is not and never will be at war with Islam.
More similar words: be at war with, great war, at war, flatware, great wall, heat wave, great wall of china, fatwa, catwalk, in that way, beat a retreat, weather-beaten, outward, hot war, software, post-war, outwards, postwar, westward, leftward, eastward, outwardly, rightward, eastwards, westwards, frontward, great white hope, great white shark, software house, heart-warming.